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The Real Reasons Customers Care About Your Product

In a world overflowing with options, it’s easy to get caught up in the race to add more features, more bells and whistles. But let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves: What truly matters to our customers? Shifting the Spotlight to the Customer We often focus on what we think is impressive about our product – the cutting-edge technology (AI cough cough), the innovative features, the fancy design (rebrand! cough cough).

Pricing Strategy and Pricing Models - Optimizing Sales

Pricing is your biggest lever that you probably spend the least amount of time testing and optimizing. I totally understand why – pricing is difficult to change (even when you’re small and especially when you are large), and you have to deal with complex questions of involving existing customers and even prospects in your pipeline. But having a pricing strategy that you manage like your product roadmap has outsized rewards. You can anticipate issues, build a plan, and enable Sales to be significantly more successful.

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