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The Content Camel Blog

Best practices on content marketing, sales enablement and sales success.


Deep dive insights from sales enablement to content marketing.

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  • And some tagged content: Abm  Analytics  Branding  Case study  Checklist  Collections  Content  Content development  Content organization  Content planning  Dam  Google drive  How to  Hubspot  Insights  Pricing  Resource pages  Sales  Sales enablement  Sales hacks  Sales leaders  Seo  Sharepoint  Template  Top tools  Workflows 

    The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Content Marketing Workflow

    Very few marketers can say that their content production workflow is a well-oiled machine. That’s because too often, they try to fit into a rigid workflow instead of creating a process that works for them.
    You need high-quality, carefully crafted content that delights your target audience while delivering results month after month. But how can you achieve that without having the right systems in place?
    This is where the right workflow comes into play—perfecting the end-to-end production process or resolving minor bottlenecks.

    How to Create a Content Calendar That Works For You

    Are you overwhelmed and stretched thin, trying to juggle all the pieces of your content marketing workflow? If that’s the case, you need a content calendar to streamline your production.
    These calendars create a baseline for production and help you scale your content efforts. Even though planning, creating, delivering, and updating content calendars require time and effort, the results are worth it.
    This blog post will discuss how you can create an efficient content calendar that works for your marketing team while managing ongoing projects.

    Marketer’s Ultimate Guide to Sales Qualification

    Marketer’s Ultimate Guide to Sales Qualification Whether the prospect has come to you, or you have reached out to them, the first discovery call will be pivotal for your sales team.
    During this call, you will be understanding your prospect’s intentions, their business, and any pain points that they are trying to overcome, etc.
    At this point, you would want to assess your prospect against the solution you are offering and their ability and desire to purchase.

    How To Create And Maintain A Sales Content Management System

    Most businesses struggle with maintaining their content inventory because of the lack of a robust sales enablement content management system.
    For sales teams, the goal is to meet their quota by any means necessary, but more often than not, the driver turns out to be content.
    For example, prospects might ask sales reps how a specific product feature works or the ROI of purchasing the product. They’ll likely send a case study or product brochure addressing these points.

    How to Optimize Content for Maximum Conversion: 10 Proven Strategies

    You’ve already spent hours creating great content for your audience. But as a marketer, you know that creating content is the beginning of the process. Now you need the content to convert your visitors to customers. However, that’s challenging to achieve.
    The goal of content marketing is simple: create high-quality content that attracts visitors and converts leads to paying customers.
    But with the buyer’s journey so drawn out, it could take months to get the desired results.

    Best Practices for Setting Up a BDR Team

    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to setting up a Business Development Representative (BDR) team, but there are some best practices and BDR strategies that can help ensure its success.
    First, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what your BDRs will be responsible for. What’s their primary Nurturing leads? All of the above? Once you know what their main focus will be, you can start to build out your team.

    How to Define and Build Your Sales Enablement Charter

    Throughout the development of your sales strategies, you will face certain blockages. These can inhibit progress on your projects and must be dealt with immediately. What do we do when we are stuck at a river? We build a bridge.
    A sales enablement charter, like a bridge, can elevate you above these issues and allow you to continue working effectively.
    A sales enablement charter ensures that sales reps have the information and resources they need to sell effectively.

    One-Pager Examples

    A one-pager is a document that gives a high-level overview of something, usually one topic. One-pager can be used for just about anything - from summarizing an event to giving an overview of a company or product.
    The key is to tailor the one-pager to its intended audience. That means prioritizing the design and content based on what is most important to them.
    For example, in the business world, one-pagers are typically heavy on text and light on graphics.

    Perfect Marketing Sales Funnel Design

    Marketing and sales spend an enormous amount of time hashing out different pipeline stages and funnel stages, trying to determine at what point different users fit into each. And you probably have an established process, so reviewing that will be incredibly helpful and save everyone a lot of time and testing.
    In order to help you create a stronger marketing and sales funnel upfront that converts more, we’re going to go over how to design a perfect marketing sales funnel design that will make every department happy.

    Who Owns Sales Enablement? PMM, Marketing, or Sales?

    Knowing exactly what your role is at work and what you’re responsible for is crucial. You don’t want to drop anything accidentally that’s supposed to be on your plate. It’s also important because you need to know who owns certain tasks, or it’s easy for different departments or team members to end up arguing over who exactly is responsible for specific responsibilities.
    Sales enablement feels like a prime example. As it’s the process of getting the sales team helpful info, resources, and tools to increase sales, there can be a lively debate about who exactly owns it.

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